Meet the Team

Meet the Team

We are Youth. We Understand Youth

The Founders

We are a team of teenagers tired of seeing wasted potential in youth, and ready to lead change.

Jaiden Ratti

Jaiden actively seeks out opportunities for innovation, growth and impact in both the fintech and youth space. He firmly believes that fintech will play a large part in revolutionizing our future, and that youth should embrace and lead this transformation. Jaiden has explored his curiosity through founding a startup aimed to benefit SMB’s in an inclusive ecosystem, becoming the world's youngest Certified Bitcoin Professional, networking with the top crypto leaders in the world, and leveraging his business and tech skills to be a part of multiple global and local initiatives.

Quote You Live By

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

Lee Zheng

Lee believes that finance and the technology field will play a big role in any major changes in the future, in his eyes, this is an opportunity for him to make an impact and improve the lives of many others. He is passionate about both fields as they offer drastically different experiences. Currently, Lee has been focusing on technology, he has experience in various programming languages and is able to perform a wide variety of tasks; Data Analysis, Visualization, Machine Learning, and Front End + Back End. This pandemic, he was able to raise awareness and spread facts regarding COVID-19 by developing a chatbot and helping out with website frontends.

Quote You Live By

"There's a crack in everything, that's how light gets in" - Leonard Cohen

Nathan Chin

Nathan understands that technology and finance will continue to govern our world, despite continuous change. He also believes that youth are at the forefront of this change, and finds passion in using his skills to empower his peers. As of today, Nathan has developed a deep understanding of the fundamentals of programming, but his greatest skill? He's always willing to learn something new.

Quote You Live By

"An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest" - Benjamin Franklin


Organizations we've been a part of.

From international tech & finance companies, to VC's and grassroots, our youth team of founders and board of advisors are involved in a number of different industries.

Want to Get Involved?

Are you a potential sponsor or donor? Do you want to talk at our next event or want to join the team?